Monday, May 4, 2009

STP Hydraulic Profile Calculation Tips


This blog was established to help engineers creating hydraulic profiles for sewage treatment plants.


During my last 20 years of experience working in the design of wastewater treatment plants, there were no two identical treatment plants. Each plant has its unique process, site layout and facilities. Consequently, hydraulic profiles are different and each plant was evaluated separately.

The only similarity is the concept and the procedure that was followed in order to prepare the hydraulic profile.

The following will provide the engineer with some basics needed to start doing his own hydraulic calculations by using simple excel sheet. The provided example is easy to follow and the designer may select whatever suites his case and work out his case accordingly.

A. Data Collection Stage:

The following information is important to start any hydraulic calculations for sewage treatment plants:

1. Plant Site Layout; This drawing will help identifying the location of the treatment facilities, gravity flow path, dimensions, lengths of pipes and channels ..etc.

2. Process Flow Diagram; This drawing is required to identify the average, minimum, maximum current and future flow rates in each pipe and process unit falling within the gravity scheme.

3. Piping and Instrument Diagram; this drawing will identify the location, number and sizes of minor losses for valves, tees, fittings, entrance and exit losses.

4. Existing Site Survey; this drawing will help planning the site layout and identify the location of plant facilities.

5. Site Grading and Drainage Layout; this drawing will be required to identify the top of structures / walls and the grade elevation at each process facility.

6. Plan and Profile drawings; these drawings are required to identify the invert elevations and slopes of all gravity pipes.

7. Mechanical drawings; some mechanical drawings are required when we need to obtain details not available in civil drawings such as Isometric drawings, piping plan and sections ..etc.

8. Site visits; the engineer shall be familiar with the site conditions especially when the project scope is an expansion for an existing plant. Hydraulic engineer shall field verify the existing facilities against the as-built drawings and confirm the flow scheme and sometimes need to measure weir lengths and check weir crest elevations using survey tools. In some cases, as-built drawings do not reflect the actual site conditions.

B. Identify the Gravity Flow Path

Mark up the plant site layout and identify the gravity flow path. You may need to mark more than one path depends on the proposed processes and the site layout. In some cases, you need to run the hydraulic calculation for treated water path separate from the sludge treatment path. To properly manage this task, follow the following steps:

1. Use Yellow mark up to mark the critical gravity flow path for each type of process. The critical path could be the longest path or the path with higher flow capacities.

2. Mark up all process units falling in this path including all intermediate pumping systems. Pumping facilities are considered as a brake point for the hydraulic profile. But it is always preferred to show it in the scheme for continuity purposes and better understanding of the system.

3. Mark up all weirs. Weirs are also considered as brake point for the hydraulic profile. The expression brake point means the location on the hydraulic profile where the designer can manage the structure's elevations and accordingly the water level at this location. An example is the secondary clarifier perimeter v-notch weir.

4. Start numbering all head loss elements such as pipes, weirs, gravity flow measurement channels and all components on the gravity flow path the will create hydraulic head losses. The numbering shall start from the end point back to the start point. For example, from the final treated effluent to the head works. There is no specific numbering system and it is left to the designer to decide the convenient way. The example presented in this blog will provide annotations such as P for pipe, RW for rectangular weir and VW for V-Notch weir….etc.

5. Study the process flow diagram and carefully transfer the flow data information to the head loss elements marked on the site layout. Engineer shall consider current and future peak flow rates. Sometimes, average flow rates are included for knowledge purposes. Low flow rates are not critical in hydraulic calculations since it may drop to Zero.

C. Flow Rate Summary Table

After marking the site layout as explained in step B above, the engineer can summarize the components in a simple table as indicated in the example below. This table will be used as the master information that will be linked to all other sheets. It will simplify reviewing the data and modifying it as needed.

D. Create the Hydraulic Profile Scheme

From the marked up site layout, the engineer can transfer the plan into an elevation scheme as shown in example-1. The rows in excel sheet can be adjusted so that the row height of 50 pixels will represent one meter of elevation. This technique will simplify representing the levels in a very accurate way. To utilize this feature, Draw a line and then use the up and down arrow key to adjust the location to the level required by counting the pixels. All structures can be drawn to in similar way. The final presentation of the Hydraulic profile will be accurate. Water level symbol can be placed on each structure in an approximate location.

E. Losses Calculation

Use any hydraulic handbook to calculate the minor losses for pipes considering the flow situation whether it is full flow or partial flow. Head over the weirs are also provided in such books. Sample calculations are provided in the example below. Head loss through comminutors, mechanical screens and grit removal units are normally provided by the equipment manufacturer. It is always recommended to provide each minor losses calculation in a separate excel sheet.


Anonymous said...

Can you share the spreadsheets?

Ahmad Al-Tawabini said...

Yes. I can email it to you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks - how can I get your email to send you mine? thanks

Anonymous said...

ok thanks I emailed you mine

varunmajor said...

Hi... Can you share the spreadsheets?????????Please email me the same @

Unknown said...

Hey Nice job, Can you share the excel sheet. I hav started to learn the hydraulics and the same shall be very useful to me. Kindly mail me at


Anonymous said...

Mr. Tawabini very nice job. I would appreciate if you can share the spreadsheet with me.
My e-mail adress is:
Kind Regards,

Unknown said...

Please send me the sheet too on

Unknown said...

Very good spreadsheet. If possible, I would appreciate it if you could email me the spreadsheet. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It is very useful.I would appreciate if you could send spreadsheet to me. My e-mail:

Anonymous said...

Dear Brother,
This xl. sheet is excellent.
Can you share me on following ID

Sheena Abraham said...

Can u pls send excel sheets to my mail box. My mail id is

siva said...

Can you share the spreadsheets to my mail box

Unknown said...

can u mail the spread sheet to me on

as i loved the way you have explained want to learn it a bit more

Unknown said...

wow..very good explanation. I like it very much! Can i have it emailed to me?

You helped me a lot!

Anonymous said...

too on

Very good spreadsheet. Can I got the spreadsheet. My email address is
Please send me the XL sheet.

Anonymous said...

hi Ahmad
your work looks very impressive
please send me a copy to:

have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

thank you very much!

it is a very useful work

Could you please email the spreadsheet?

thank you again, you helped us a lot

Anonymous said...

hi.. very clear explanation.. am doin my PG in the same field. It will be useful if u send me those excel sheets. my mail id

Don said...

Very impressive. Could I get a copy of the spreadsheets please?
Please email to

Anonymous said...

Very impressive work. I would appreciate if you could email the excel spreadsheets to me.
My email address is:

Anna said...

HI Ahmad. Your information is very useful to all STP engineers. Could i also get emailed your spreadsheets if possible? my email is

Anonymous said...

hi.. very clear explanation.I am a consultant. It will be useful if u send me those excel sheets. my mail id

Unknown said...

Mr. Tawabini very nice job. I would appreciate if you can share the spreadsheet with me.
My e-mail adress is:
Kind Regards,

Anonymous said...

Please send the spreed sheet to

Unknown said...

i would also like the spreadsheets.

Very nicely done.

Bhargavi Maremanda said...

Please send me a copy of the spreadsheet at, thanks!

ozeyadeh said...

Can you please send me a copy of the spreadsheet at

Amol said...

Hi, Nice Work
Can you share the excel spreadsheets?
my email id is " "

Amol said...

Hi , Nice Job.
Can you share the excel sheet ? My email id ""
I am into Sewer Pipe Design. STP hydraulic Profile can complete my entire project profile.

Anonymous said...

great example, i have been looking for a comprehensive way to so solve for hydraulic profiles. can you e-mail me the spreadsheets as well to thanx so much.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ahmad,

Can you please send me the spread sheets?

Thanks a lot.

nathan said...

Hi Ahmed,

I would also appreciate if you could share the spreadsheets. Please can you email them to


Harsahada said...

Hi Sir!

can you please share the spreadsheets?
Also can you give me your email id as i have a few more questions about STP sizing. It would be very nice of you to advice me on the same!

thank you


Anonymous said...

could you please email a copy to me at


Anonymous said...

Hi Ahmad,

Would you please email me the spreadsheets to:


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It is very useful.I would appreciate if you could send spreadsheet to me. My e-mail:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It is very useful.I would appreciate if you could send spreadsheet to me. My e-mail:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It is very useful.I would appreciate if you could send spreadsheet to me. My e-mail:

Anonymous said...

hi every body

... Can any body share the

spreadsheets?????????Please my


or give me the email address of

Mr.Ahmed because he don't replay

and may be busy.

anonymous said...

hello, can i receive a copy of the spreadsheet from someone please. this will help a lot for my studies. my email is

thank you!

ttuengineering said...

Can you please send a copy of the excel file to This would be great in walking through a hydraulic profile.

khaled said...

Mr. Tawabini very nice job. I would appreciate if you can share the spreadsheet with me. my e-mail is

khaled said...

hello for all, can i receive a copy of the spreadsheet from someone please. My email is

Richard said...

Good Afternoon for All, can I receive a copy of the spereadsheet from someone please. My email is Thank you.


Khaled said...

Mr. Tawabini good morning, I think you are busy. I would appreciate if you can share the spreadsheet with me. my e-mail is

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Tawabini

Very impressive! This will greatly assist me in my studies, could you please email me the spreadsheet at

Many thanks (from France)

Anonymous said...

Dear Ahmad,

I would appreciate it if you could please send me the spread sheets for the hydraulic design.

Kind Regards,

Anonymous said...

Hi Ahmad, I would appreciate it if you could email the spreadsheet to thanks for sharing this information

Anonymous said...

Kindly mail a copy of the spreadsheet to me at

Much appreciated


Rohit Kakkar

kavita chansoria said...

i am in initial stage of my carrier, please help i need spredsheet can you mail it to me at


Anonymous said...

Kindly mail a copy of the spreadsheet to me at

Much appreciated

Unknown said...

can you send it to me please?
my email is :

Anonymous said...

Kindly mail a copy of the spreadsheet to me at

Much appreciated


Anonymous said...

Dear Ahmad;

ALLAH make it easy for you.

I will be so grateful if you could email me the files at

Kind regards


Stanley said...

Genius. Mind sharing the spreadsheet with me? Thanks, really appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Sir, Great Job!

Will you please kindly mail me this spreadsheets to me at:

chandres said...

great job sir
Please send me a copy of the spreadsheet

chandresh said...

great job sir
Please send me a copy of the spreadsheet at

Anonymous said...

Hi, very nice job!
I would really appreciate if you could send me a copy.

best regards

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your willingness to share the knowledge and experiences with others. I would appreciate if you could share the spreadsheet via my e-mail:

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your process. Can you please email your spreadsheet to I would really appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Anyone, Could you please email the spreadsheet to

Unknown said...

thank you eng.for this information
i am in fourth year in college and my project is (optimization of hydraulic profile in waste water plant ) and i wish you can help me
my email:
best wishes for you

Anonymous said...

Hey its great job. could you send me too those spreadsheets at

Anonymous said...

Excellent! I would be grateful if someone could send me the spreadsheets for education purposes. I have a final project to complete.

Anonymous said...

Nicely designed. Can you send me the spreadsheet at


Anonymous said...

Hi Brothers
Can any body share the

spreadsheets,Please my


Anonymous said...


could you please send me the spreadsheet by email

CB01 said...

Nicely done!! Great work.

Can anyone on here share the spreadsheet?? My e-mail address is

Thanks very much.

Unknown said...

Hello, interesting work...

can anyone please share the spreadsheets in excel please.

my email :

FD said...

You have done really very good job, Mr Tawabini. I have never seen so clear and accurate explanation on WEB before.
Actually, I was just seaching for drinking WTP hydroulic notes. I have some questions for the flow rates which is common to use hydroulic design and check. Would you please inform me if there is another blog or stg else like your grate job for Drinking WTP?

Ahmad Al-Tawabini said...

Sorry FD. I don't have another blog for WTP Hydraulics. Process facilities are different but the principle is the same. I will be happy to help when I can.

Unknown said...

Hi Ahmad could you forward a copy of the spreadsheets to .
Also would you be interested in providing hydraulic profiles on a consultancy basis?
Can you send me contact information
Thanks Paul

Anonymous said...

Dear Ahmad,

I appreciate if you could share me you excel sheet
Thank you

abhi said...

Sir could you please share the spreadsheets.great work

thanks and best regards

Unknown said...

Dear ahmad,

Could you please send me a copy of the spreadsheet to

Thank you in advance


Unknown said...


Can u send me a copy to

Thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

Mr. Tawabini .I would appreciate if you can share the spreadsheet with me. my e-mail is

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


This is indeed useful, may I request for the spreadsheet copy? please email to

Thank you in advance!

Unknown said...

Dear Ahmed, Can you please email the spreadsheet to
Many thanks and best regards

Unknown said...

Dear Ahmed, please email the spreadsheet to
with my best regards

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thanks very much. Please email me the spreadsheet @

Unknown said...

Mr. Tawabini
Wonderful explanation of the hydraulic profile development.

I would appreciate if you can share the spreadsheet with me.

My e-mail is

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your willingness to SHARE the knowledge and experiences with others. I would appreciate if you could share the spreadsheet via my e-mail:

Mike M. said...

If anyone can email a copy of the spreadsheet, I would be grateful. Email address is:


Anonymous said...

Hi Ahmad,

I found your blog to be very enlightening. I'm currently working on a hydraulic profile calculation for a MBR plant as part of a school project. Would you mind sharing your spreadsheet with me?

My email is Thank you.


suresh babu said...

Hi... Can you share the spreadsheets?????????Please email me the same @

Anonymous said...

Thats a very well laid out spreadsheet. Can I get a copy to look at? My email is , let me know, thanks

Vin said...

Excellent work done!!
Can you please share the excel sheet at

Unknown said...

could you please email a copy to me at


Unknown said...

Please can you send this sheet to my email
best regards

ashish said...

Mr. Tawabini

Wonderful explanation of the hydraulic profile development.

I would appreciate if you can share the spreadsheet with me.

Unknown said...

please send its copy at

Anonymous said...

Dear Ahmad - As well as others, I congratulate you on a fine job. Grateful if you would send to me here in Kenya. I will share with my colleagues. Tom

Admin said...

dear sir,

can you send to me the excel sheet .

Best regards

Raj said...

Dear brother its a very simple layman language you explained can you please share the excel sheet in

Anonymous said...

Dear Ahmad, could you please also share the calculation sheet to me? It would be highly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards,
Lee from Korea

如是尔闻 said...

HI Ahmad,

This tool seems amazing.
Can you share the spreadsheet with me as well?
My email:

Many Thanks!


Unknown said...

Hi Ahmad,

Well explanation. Can you share the spreadsheet with me as well? My

Many thanks.


Celine Chong said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I am beginner in learning wastewater treatment desiagn, and very impress your Ahmad could you send me spreadsheet at

Tiziano Zampollo said...

Very clean and sharp lecture, thank You. Could You send the xls file to me for use?
My email is
Best regards
Tiziano Zampollo Chemeng

Unknown said...

Dear sir,

Can u pls share the excel sheets for me.

As i still a piping designer, i want to become a engineer and further advancement in my career, what i have to learn and to know pls guide me.

My thanks,

Unknown said...

Dear sir,

Can u pls share the excel sheets for me.

As i still a piping designer, i want to become a engineer and further advancement in my career, what i have to learn and to know pls guide me.

My thanks,

dj said...

Please email the excel sheets to me and a report for an example if you have something.
Thank you

dj said...

Please email the excel sheets to me and a report for an example if you have something.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Working on a senior project design and these excel sheets would be ideal for the task for which we are trying to accomplish. Would be very grateful if you were able to email me these sheets in hopes of accomplishing our deadline, thank you in advance if possible.

kawtar Rassi said...

Such a great work Mr AHMAD,please could you email me the excel sheets to me ,and if you have an example on calculating the hydraulic profiles of wastewater treatment plants, would you send it to me ...I would be really grateful...thank you.

my email is :

Unknown said...

Hi Ahmad, I am currently involved in the design of a 100Ml/d plant in South Africa. Please share the spreadsheets with me at I really need some guidance on this

Thanks and regards

Vaibhav Shinde said...

hi Ahmad,
I am really impressed by your work & got correct direction to proceed on Hydraulic calculation of my WWTP plant. I would be grateful if you will share this spreadsheet with me. Please send on following address :

Unknown said...

Hi Ahmad,

Well explanation.
Can you share the spreadsheet?

Many thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ahmad,
That was the best explanation I have seen yet. Can you please email the spreadsheets to
Thank you.

Unknown said...

Dear Ahmad,

Your tips are quite useful thank you.
May you kindly share the spreadsheet on
Thank you kindly

atefeh said...

Dear Ahmad
Thanks for your job, would you please share on


You have done really very good job, Mr Tawabini. GOD bless you. Nice of you if you cN Mil it on my mail id.

Unknown said...

I requested to mail one of the best work done by you ,but mail not received. please mail and oblige

Ahmad Al-Tawabini said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Dear Ahmad,
Your knowledge is impressive, your tips are valuable, and your spreadsheet looks amazing. Can you please send me a copy of your spreadsheet at margevicius22@gmailcom?
Kind regards...

Anonymous said...

Hi Ahmad,

Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Could you please send me the spreadsheet? I would really appreciate it. My email is

Kind Regards,

Gustave Michaud

Anonymous said...

Hi Pak Ahmad

Could you sent to me your spreadsheet to

Thanks for sharing

Warm regards

Shakeel said...

thank you for sharing your experience, can u send me spreadsheet on

Unknown said...

Pl email spreadsheet

Unknown said...

Well done.May I have copy of excel spreadsheet.Thank you.

Unknown said...

Excellent explanation. Can you please send through the spreadsheet. Thank you.

Rohab Asad said...

Excellent explanation. Can you please send through the spreadsheet. Thank you.

Rohab Asad said...

Excellent explanation. Can you please send through the spreadsheet. Thank you.

Rohit said...

Good explanation. please share the spreadsheet for a closer look at it. my email id is

Pierre said...

Morning, great job. Would you mind sharing the spreadsheet with me at, please.

Anonymous said...

Dear ahmad,

Could you please send me a copy of the spreadsheet to

Thank you in advance


Anonymous said...

Hi Ahmad,

Would you mind sharing the spreadsheet with me. My email:

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Hi Ahmad,

Could you please send me a copy of the spreadsheet. My email address

Thank you

Linh said...

Hi Ahmad,

Could you please send me a copy of the spreadsheet. My email address

Sulakna Fonseka said...

Hi Ahmad,

Could you please send me a copy of the spreadsheet. My email address

Sulakna Fonseka said...

Hi Ahmad,

Could you please send me a copy of the spreadsheet. My email address

Anonymous said...

Could you please send me a copy of the spreadsheet?
My email is:

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Hello Ahmad,

Very good information. Can you please share a copy of your spreadsheet .
My email is

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hello Ahmad,

Can you help to share a copy of your spreadsheet.
My email is

Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ahmed for your effort

I need a copy for this spreadsheet

Unknown said...

Hi Mr ahmad,

Could you send me the spreadsheet for hydraulic profile? I really appreciate your help. My email:
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I found this blog very helpful. Could you please email me the spreadsheets so that I can understand them better? It will be very helpful. My email ID is

Pierre said...

Thanks for the spreadsheet. Much appreciated.

Afromoskvich said...

Hi Ahmed, i will be grateful if you could share your spreadsheet with me.

Much grateful in advance

omar ghazal said...

hello would you please send me the spreadsheet ?

m.danial said...

Hi Ahmed, i will be grateful if you could share your spreadsheet with me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ahmed,
this is effective summery, Thank u.
i will appreciate if you could share your spreadsheet with me.

My email:



Anonymous said...

thanks for your valuable procedure, moreover thanks to share the spread sheet.

arum said...

Hi Mr. Ahmad

could you please share with me the spread sheet to
Thank you vey much

wongfehong said...

Hi Mr. Ahmad

could you please share with me the spread sheet to
Thank you vey much

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Ahmad,

I'll appreciate if you could share your spreadsheet with me.

Thank you very much

Syamimi Z. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Syamimi Z. said...

Salam Mr. Ahmad,

I found the note shared by Mr. Ahmad is very helpful and easy to understand. If you don't mind, can you share the relevant excel sheets with me. I enclose my email

Unknown said...

Intersting can you please share

Unknown said...

Hello, Amazing work Ahmed,
Can you send the spreadsheet to me.
Thank you.

Afromoskvich said...

Hello please can you share your spreadsheet with me and if possible do you have one for water treatment that you can equally share.
Great job and thanks in advance
My email is

Unknown said...

Please share with me the spread sheet

Michael said...

Hi Ahmed,

If you could please share this spreadsheet it would be awesome.
My email:

Thank you

Sterre V said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sterre V said...

Hi Ahmad,
Thanks a lot for this information, can you maybe share the spread sheet with me? I would like to take a closer look at it!
Thanks on forehand

Anonymous said...

Hi Ahmad,

Thank you so much for this. Can you also share it with me at

Anonymous said...

Hi Ahmed,
Thank you so much for this. Can you also share it with me at

Anonymous said...

Hi Ahmed,
This is great. Many engineers struggle to do this profile. Can you send me those spreadsheets at

Anonymous said...

I am looking for the excel version/native file of this Hydraulic profile in excel. can someone send me also? Thank you very much.

Driss said...

Salam Ahmad,
I hope you are well,
Would you like please send me a copy of the spreadsheet.
Many thanks

Unknown said...

Hi ahmed thnk u for procédure of calculs
Please share with me the spread sheet

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Ahmad

Kindly share the spread sheet.
I want to view the calculations.
this will be helpful for me to proceed my workin.


khalids said...

hey Mr. Ahmed, thank you so much for this excelent spreadsheets. Can you please share it?
here is my email:

Mo Bouch said...

Hi Mr. Ahmed,
I will be grateful if you can you please share the spreadsheet.
my email
Thank you and kind regards.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ahmad
your work looks very thorough
please send me a copy to:

Anonymous said...

Please can you email me the excel sheets to me and a report for an example if you have.

Anonymous said...

Please can you email me the excel sheets. I am student from Peru.
Thanks a lot Sir

Anonymous said...

Excelente explicación podría compartirme por favor sus hojas de cálculo le agradecería mucho mi email es